Meet the Mayor


Grace Garrett and her husband, Bill, who is employed at Atlantic Bottling Company, have lived in Atlantic since July 2017.

They have two children. Their daughter, Emily, is married, and mother to their four “sweet grands” and lives in the Dubuque, IA area.  Their son, Blaine, is married and lives in the Des Moines, IA area.

Shortly after moving to Atlantic in 2017, Grace began attending City Council meetings.  She wanted to get involved in her “hometown”.  In 2019 Grace ran for the City Council At-Large seat and won. Grace decided to run for Mayor in April 2021.  She is committed to working with the City Council, other City and County entities, local businesses, and those who may be considering Atlantic as a great place to bring a business; or a resident considering starting a business. She is excited to network with other Mayors in our county and district throughout the state of Iowa.

Grace is looking forward to showcasing Atlantic as a “great place to work, play and call home”, which she knows it is!

Grace graduated from Pillsbury College and Seminary and holds a degree in Biblical Counseling.  She is a Professionally Trained Listener. Grace has 30 plus years in the Health Care field, on the Administration side.  Her most recent job, working in Human Resources, allowed her to work remote for 7 years after moving back to Iowa from the East Coast, and prior to moving to Atlantic.  Working remote is now a very prominent work-style in our society.  Grace understands what that can mean to bringing new residents to Atlantic and former residents back to Atlantic; while keeping their current jobs or obtaining new ones with this type of work option. She has worked with Small Business, Corporations and Non-Profit, and started two Non-Profits of her own.

Grace has served on business and Church boards and committees throughout her time in other states and after moving to Atlantic.  During her time as a City Council Member At-Large, she served as the Council liaison to the Atlantic Area Chamber of Commerce, City Beautification, Employee Health & Safety, Personnel & Finance and Planning & Zoning.

Grace and Bill attend Hillside Hope Assembly Church in Atlantic.  Grace enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and entertaining.  She truly enjoys downtown shopping and loves the fact that she can walk to stores and businesses, all within a few blocks of each other; or sitting in the City Park and visiting with a friend.  She looks forward to greeting residents and visitors to Atlantic, at her office in City Hall and as she is out & about in the community.  Grace says “Welcome” ~ we are glad you are here!